We all have Hobbies whether its making Models or making Dolls Houses, we all have them, and mine was Gardening. When I was 3 'I think', my mother was working at a hotel as a cleaner, the hotel had a very large garden and the groundsman who looked after the garden was quite a close friend of the family. Well to cut a long story short he gave me some seeds to sow, the seeds were I think either Marigolds or Asters, no they were defiantly Marigolds, well after planting them they all grow, I must say we had Marigolds everywhere, and thinking back, that was the time I got hooked on Gardening. Over the last 50 years or so the Gardening bug has grown and blossomed from a hobby into a very lucrative business. Since my retirement and handing the keys to the Business to my son and daughter 2 years ago, I have been busy writing two books about my experiences in the Gardening trade from humble Marigold growing in 1960 to running a 1 million pound a year business now. So to the question your probably asking, what's he going on about, well all of the knowledge I have gained I am going to give to you for Free, and it starts like this,
Have you ever thought, all the time that you're sitting at home watching TV, maybe it's a favorite film, that outside things are stirring in your garden, plants are growing, they very rarely stop, their growing producing flowers, in turn the flowers will produce seed, this is a never ending cycle. These plants are a very vital part of our existence. Each plant is producing oxygen to keep us alive, they are also trying their very best to make us wealthy, just by their existence we can become very rich.
There are certain things that you need to know when growing plants for profit, firstly the main objective is to find your market. With all the knowledge that I have gained over the last 50 years of growing plants, 40 years of growing plants for profit, I will disclose to you in this book.
Flowering plant sales over the years have grown from a few hundred pounds profit to millions of pounds of profit, I am not saying that you will make millions, you might, but you can certainly make £20,000 per year profit and this will double every year, you could certainly acquire £250,000 in five to six years.
In the years from 1984 to 1989 I earned £750,000.
Most of this Money was earned from two Flowers and the Flowers were the Fuchsia and the Chrysanthemum, we sold over 1 million a year.
If you wish to read more please go to Organic Food